JFP05: Juanita McNeely

"Juanita opened up a world to the viewer of an imagination that had traveled through the extremes of feeling and managed to extract from it a dynamic and moving panorama of life and art, ever resistant and amazingly resilient, beautiful, rich, and alive."—Joan Semmel

Offering a visual overview of Juanita McNeely's five-decade career as a painter in 33 color plates, this publication introduces personal reflections from the artist's earliest peers, Joan Semmel and Dick Taylor, as well as an essay on McNeely's practice from Sharyn M. Finnegan, and a new conversation with the artist conducted by Hall W. Rockefeller.

Design: Other Means, Brooklyn
Published 2022 by James Fuentes Press

ISBN 978-1-7365415-5-5
Pp. 121